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This README file explains how to Install QUINTA for Windows.
If you have received the program on a diskette:
1. Start up Windows.
2. Place the diskette in Drive A: or B:.
3. From Program Manager select FILE then RUN and enter
A:SETUP. Then press ENTER. (Replace A: with B:
if that is the drive you are using.)
4. Follow the instructions.
5. Setup will create a Windows group and icon for QUINTA.
If you downloaded KWINTA.ZIP
1. Copy KWINTA.ZIP to a temporary subdirectory.
2. Using PKUNZIP, unzip the file by typing PKUNZIP KWINTA
3. You will now have all the files necessary for installation.
From the temporary directory type SETUP and follow the
4. Follow the instructions.
5. Setup will create a Windows group and icon for QUINTA.
In the interest of shortening download time from
some bulletin boards the file VBRUN300.DLL may not be
included in your group of files. It is required
and can be downloaded from the Microsoft Basic Forum on
This program is distributed as Shareware. It is not free software.
You may try it out and distribute it free of charge.
But if you decide to keep it you must register by sending $12 to:
Pennant Enterprises
Les Penner
25 Shadow Lane
Great Neck, NY 11021
(516) 466-5574
Make checks payable to Pennant Enterprises. All checks must be
in US currency and drawn on US banks.
You may also register directly on Compuserve through their Shareware
Registry. Just type GO SWREG at the prompt and register program
number 3812.
Send any comments and suggestion to the above address or to Compuserve
75236,1572 or Prodigy TMDB08A
Have Fun, and don't get too addicted...